St Lawrence Church Choir is a friendly, enthusiastic mixed four-part choir who sing regularly at Sunday morning Parish Communion and Choral Evensong services. The Choir also sing at special services throughout the year including the candlelit Advent Carol Service, the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols (Town Carol Service), Ecumenical Palm Sunday Service, Baptism and Confirmation Services and is available for Weddings and Memorial Services. The Director of Music is Rachel Bath, assisted by Organists Anne Margaret Crow and Diana Lee-Browne. As well as the choir there is an active Music Group, directed by Geoff Holmes who lead the music for the Together at Ten services once a month.
St Lawrence Church is a 15th century wool Church situated in the beautiful riverside market town of Lechlade-on-Thames on the edge of the Cotswolds. It was made famous by the poet Shelley, who stayed at the New Inn in August 1815 and wrote ‘Stanzas in Lechlade Churchyard’:
"Thou too, aereal Pile! Whose pinnacles
Point from one shrine like pyramids of fire
Obeyist in silence their sweet solemn spells,
Clothing in hues of Heaven thy dim and distant spire
Around whose lessening and invisible height
Gather among the stars the clouds of night".
For further information click on the links above, or to arrange an informal audition, please contact the Director of Music, Rachel Bath on 01367 253893.
We regret St Lawrence Church is currently closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Please see the church website for further details
Trinity Term 2020
You are all warmly invited to join us for the following special choral events this term